Like most of my tips, this one is inspired by a forum question:
basically I am trying to show a list of texts in the sidebar by the same author … and augment that list with other texts. For the authors I use the id of the entries created in the links tab and I unfortunately use the
custom field to call their names.To make the issue more complex there are times that there are two authors who are called by their ids and a comma.
Since there is no multi-author articles on this site, for demonstration purposes we will use custom_1
field (named files
) that stores the numeric ids of all files used in the article. We will output a list of (at most) five articles sharing (some of) the files of this one, namely 1,17
, and complete this list with five random (unrelated) articles.
We will need to query textpattern
table directly, with etc_query plugin. First of all, we construct a SQL query that will match any article that has the value(s) 1 or 17 in its files
(i.e. custom_1
) custom field:
<txp:etc_query name="find" data='<txp:custom_field name="files" />' markup="list" break=" OR ">
FIND_IN_SET({?}, custom_1)
will loop through 1,17
and store in <txp:variable name="find" />
the following query
FIND_IN_SET(1, custom_1) OR FIND_IN_SET(17, custom_1)
Now, we will use this query to retrieve the matching articles ids and display five of them. All the ids will be stored in <txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />
, initially set to <txp:article_id />
<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" value='<txp:article_id />' />
<txp:etc_query data='(<txp:variable name="find" />) AND ID != <txp:article_id />' markup="db" populate="article" wraptag="ul" label="More texts by the author" labeltag="h4">
{$<({#row}|6).?(<li><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></li>)}
<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" value='<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />,<txp:article_id />' />
Few explanations: the database query we used is thus
(FIND_IN_SET(1, custom_1) OR FIND_IN_SET(17, custom_1)) AND ID != 49
since we don’t want to output the current article itself. The etc_query
{$<({#row}|6).?(<li><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></li>)}
says “output linked article titles of first five rows”. Finally,
<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" value='<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />,<txp:article_id />' />
appends each retrieved articles ids to <txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />
, resulting in
The rest is straightforward. The final code is
<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" value='<txp:article_id />' />
<txp:etc_query name="find" data='<txp:custom_field name="files" />' markup="list" break=" OR ">FIND_IN_SET({?}, custom_1)</txp:etc_query>
<txp:if_variable name="find">
<txp:etc_query data='(<txp:variable name="find" />) AND ID != <txp:article_id />' markup="db" populate="article" wraptag="ul" label="More texts by the author" labeltag="h4">
<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" value='<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />,<txp:article_id />' />
{$<({#row}|6).?(<li><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></li>)}
<txp:article_custom sort="rand()" exclude='<txp:variable name="relatedtexts" />' limit="5" break="li" wraptag="ul" label="Other Texts" labeltag="h4">
<txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink>
and here is the result:
More texts by the author
Other Texts
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