Whether you pay to acquire users or not, you want to focus your acquisition efforts on the channels that bring you the greatest volume of high-value users. It’s now easy to identify those channels from the User Acquisition page in the Developer Console.

From the performance report you can follow users — whether originating as organic or paid traffic — from discovery to installation then onto their purchase of your in-app products, with convenient predefined reporting criteria. With the improved understanding of where your most valuable users come from, you can better focus your efforts.
Learn more about how to measure your app’s user acquisition channels.
How to use the User Acquisition performance report
- Compare cohorts: In this report, a cohort is a group of users who’ve visited your app’s store listing during a selected date range. For example, if you update your app’s icon on the Play Store, you’ll want to see how the change affects installs and in-app purchases. You can do this by selecting cohorts before and after your app update, and measure how your change impacted conversion rates.
- Examine acquisition channels: For your defined cohort, you can explore how user behaviour and value differ between acquisition channels, such as organic Play Store traffic, AdWords campaigns, tracked channels, and searches. Drill down into specific channels to explore user behaviour in detail.
- See users: Get stats for all the store listing visitors (users who visited your app’s store listing) and installers. This helps you understand how prospects are converting into users.
- See buyers: If you sell in-app products, the funnel report can also tell you about new buyers and repeat buyers. This helps you understand how quickly your in-app products and subscriptions are gaining traction with users.
Tip: If you’re directing your users to your mobile app from your website, you can track conversions by adding a UTM campaign source and a campaign name tag to the Google Play store URL.