Inspired by this Forum post.
To append anchors to p
and h5
nodes, replace <txp:body />
in the article form with
<txp:etc_query data='<txp:body />'
replace="//p@@id=p{$md5}@+= <a href='#{@id?}'>#</a>;
//h5@@id={$ucwords.str_replace( ||$).lcfirst}@+= <a href='#{@id?}'>#</a>" />
First post
I don’t know if this is a plugin, or what, but it’s a fantastic idea for anyone like me who researches content and often uses quotations. Check this site out, this article, for example, and note the little “#“s at the end of each paragraph. That’s fawking cool. Could that be done?
First reply
I loves it too. I think it’s native to one of Mr Winer’s own systems, but I’m not sure which. Most of the time I can’t figure out what he’s on about. Would love to see a Txp plugin doing the same thing though.
Only problem I can see is the risk of link rot. I mean – what if you edited a live article and added paragraphs earlier in the body than a paragraph that had already been bookmarked/indexed/liked/tweeted/whatever? Small chance, but it feels a bit fragile.
First post #
I don’t know if this is a plugin, or what, but it’s a fantastic idea for anyone like me who researches content and often uses quotations. Check this site out, this article, for example, and note the little “#“s at the end of each paragraph. That’s fawking cool. Could that be done? #
First reply #
I loves it too. I think it’s native to one of Mr Winer’s own systems, but I’m not sure which. Most of the time I can’t figure out what he’s on about. Would love to see a Txp plugin doing the same thing though. #
Only problem I can see is the risk of link rot. I mean – what if you edited a live article and added paragraphs earlier in the body than a paragraph that had already been bookmarked/indexed/liked/tweeted/whatever? Small chance, but it feels a bit fragile. #
- File: etc_query.txt [60.72 kB] (4272 downloads, ~29 per month)