Inspired by this Forum post. The aim is to perfectly align unequally shaped boxes, while respecting the horizontal sort direction, without Javascript (like, at all).
The same height layout is easy to obtain (diy) using CSS table
display property:
Alphabetic list
Alphabetic articles list with pagination.
Comment [4]
Article pagination
Split long articles in chapters.
Auto-linked paragraphs
Seen on the Forum.
Comment [3]
Automatic links
Automatically transform titles into article links.
Before/after 4.7 primer
Saves you some typing.
The same width case is more tricky. Making boxes float
would leave some “gaps”, due to unequal heights. Another common approach is CSS multi-column layout, but it would not respect the horizontal sort direction. So we have to transform the DOM tree manually, dividing boxes in columns:
Alphabetic list
Alphabetic articles list with pagination.
Comment [4]
Automatic links
Automatically transform titles into article links.
Article pagination
Split long articles in chapters.
Testing multilingual articles.
Comment [3]
Auto-linked paragraphs
Seen on the Forum.
Comment [3]
Before/after 4.7 primer
Saves you some typing.
No Javascript here, the layout is obtained server-side with
<!-- article form --> <article> <!-- article stuff --> </article>
<style> .column{float:left; width:33.3%} </style>
<txp:etc_query data='<txp:article sort="Title" limit="6" />' specials=""> <div class="column">{article[position() mod 3 = 1]}</div> <div class="column">{article[position() mod 3 = 2]}</div> <div class="column">{article[position() mod 3 = 0]}</div> </txp:etc_query>
- File: etc_query.txt [60.72 kB] (4319 downloads, ~28 per month)